I know I know.. everyone says they're teamplayers - but I swear I actually am.
Beyond the fact that I just like working in productive teams, I have experience working in international and culturally diverse teams as well as in dysfunctional teams.
Attending an international university course I worked with students from all over the world (South Korea, U.K., Thailand, Italy, etc.). Throughout this I learned a lot about how things certainly mean one thing to me, might be interpreted differently by someone else. Some of these experiences were very positive, but sometimes I also just had to realise that the team was dysfunctional.
Whilst being in that team as unpleasant I do think it taught me how to genuinely be a teamplayer. I realised that most of the time people are doing their best, they just have different capacities. Learning this made me a much more understanding team mate.
So overall, I really enjoy working in teams and learning from other people. I've had my fair share of lessons to always be open and to do communicate openly.
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