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Analytical & Data Driven

Unlike being curious and creative, being analytical and data-driven were not things that came naturally to me.

In university these two skills were needed for me to get the best grades possible on assignments so I continuously taught myself about different marketing terms and their meanings like.. what's a CPC? and where is the difference between a CPO and a CPA?

The need to understand these eventually led me to become very analytical. I needed to figure out what skills I was missing and how to prioritize. What I first did for myself I am now able to do for the companies I work for.

A recent example of this is my work at Snuggs. After 3 months of being with the company they trusted my analysis of external affiliate marketing platforms enough to follow my recommendation and chose the platform I selected.  

Understanding and realising the importance of data is something I first learned at FashionUnited where I was responsible for running their meta ad campaigns. These campaigns were run for their clients so I had to report the insights meticulously. However, I noticed that they did not collect any reports of their own social media presence. I took it upon myself to create those reports to make sure we understand as much as possible about our insights.

Naturally, these are not my strong suit, but I make up for it with sheer willpower. The need to be able to understand things forced me to become very analytical and data driven once I entered the world of marketing.