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20.000 Follower Growth

At FashionUnited I strategically managed their social accounts achieving a remarkable growth of 20.000 followers collectively across various platforms.

In order to achieve this I started by rebranding their Instagram page. Beforehand it was a little too playful and only very flashy newsarticles that we posted got any real traction. I made sure to utilise the story feature more and gave the page a bit more of established and sleek look. I also started posting a curated section of top-fashion jobs once a week in the main locations of our followers, as well as sharing the top fashion influencer articles I was writing at the time. Because I had been in contact with those influencers beforehand, they were very likely to reshare the story about them which helped our page grow organically.

For LinkedIn, I switched to a bit more professional tone, also making sure to tag all the brands we mentioned in the articles that we shared. The same principle applied here, we were making sure our connections with fashionbrands and their social teams were strong, so that they may reshare our content. 

Additionally, I made sure to grow their online presence to TikTok very much in the ethos of: Professionals use TikTok at home. So, even if you're a B2B company, your target audience is there as well. What better platform to reach fashion professionals than TikTok, right?

