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General Manager of the SMT

In my second year at University I was hired to be the general manager of the student management team. I spent the semester providing effective leadership in my role overseeing diverse responsibilities during the creative agency semester. Together we orchestrated a series of masterclasses which facilitated educational growth and industry insights for 250 of out peer students within the programme. We also were all put in as junior coaches for the semester to give feedback on assignments and tasks. I was responsible for 25 other students giving them feedback in both English and Dutch.

Additionally, we were tasked with helping to build a community within our programme. As part of this task we created three concepts out of which one was chosen by the programme leader. 

At the end of the semester my team and I delivered tangible end-products that included numerous strategically scheudled social media posts and a 5 minute professionally shot programme trailer. 

We also suggested to build an interest based system where students can help plan the annual award show that is done at our university to meet students that have the same interests as them (av production, filming, social media, etc.) and get some first experiences. We called them creative agency teams...or short CATs. 

This structure is still implemented in the programme to this day and I received an average 90% grade score for that semester.